Climate change is a growing problem that affects all of us. Global temperature rise, warming oceans, sea level rise, extreme temperature periods and many more evidence show that the climate change is our reality.
Climate change is a growing problem that affects all of us. Global temperature rise, warming oceans, sea level rise, extreme temperature periods and many more evidence show that the climate change is our reality.
Livonia Print has made a complete inventory of its greenhouse gas emissions and has measured and reported emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
In 2020, which is our base year, we have emitted 47 291 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). This calculation includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions meaning that we measure carbon impact of books from the moment they are produced to the moment they enter the client’s warehouse.
Regarding climate issues, our goal was to go further, therefore we have taken steps to move towards as minimal an impact on environment as possible. We have set ambitious climate targets in line with Science-Based Targets (SBT) and developed an emission reduction plan.
Our 2 SBT are as follows:
Set goals and take action
We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by lowering water and electricity consumption, improving our waste sorting system and taking many other initiatives to promote sustainability.
While not all emissions can be avoided, we offer our customers the option to fund climate action by matching the unabated emissions from their book production through verified contributions.
We are investing in certified and third-party verified emission reduction projects in cooperation with South Pole – the world's leading developer of projects for voluntary carbon offsetting.
In 2025, our offsetting portfolio focuses on financing renewable energy projects where carbon reductions wouldn’t occur without external climate funding. We support projects that provide clean energy through solar power, including the Saint Nikola Wind Farm in Bulgaria and the Nongyai Wastewater Treatment project in Thailand, both registered under the Verified Carbon Standard.
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