Climate change is a growing problem that affects all of us. Global temperature rise, warming oceans, sea level rise, extreme temperature periods and many more evidence show that the climate change is our reality. From what I have experienced while working in environmental field is, that people struggle to understand that we all influence our climate, and all big things start from the small ones.Therefore, I am happy that Livonia Print has taken these important steps towards mitigating climate change and hope that we show a good example to join us! Zane Ozola /Livonia Print Environmental Manager/ Livonia Print is a Climate Neutral Company.We are delighted to announce that Livonia Print has taken an important step on our climate journey by becoming climate neutral, in accordance with the rigorous standard PAS 2060. In 2021, Livonia Print sharpened our climate ambitions by measuring its operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) and material Scope 3 emissions in 2020 according to the GHG Protocol - the most widely used international accounting tools for government and business leaders to understand, quantify and manage GHG emissions. We started by measuring 2020's emissions and will shortly update our reporting to reflect 2021's actual emissions. By measuring and offsetting its 2020 emissions through high-quality, third-party verified offset projects, Livonia Print obtained the Climate Neutral Company label from South Pole, a leading climate solutions provider and developer of emission reduction projects. The offsetting is being done through the UN registered CDM project Nam Chien Hydropower in Vietnam and the Gold Standard registered project Prony Windfarm in New Caledonia. More detailed information on Livonia Print’s climate neutrality here below: What is climate neutrality? Our planet has a natural balance between emitting carbon and absorbing it from the atmosphere in carbon sinks - systems that absorb more carbon than they emit (forests, soil, oceans). Human activities have disturbed this balance and excess CO2 is added to the atmosphere faster than the planet can absorb and store it. Along with the planet’s natural processes, there is another way to pursue carbon neutrality – offset emissions that are made in one sector by reducing them somewhere else. Measure. Livonia Print has made a complete inventory of its greenhouse gas emissions and has measured and reported emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. In 2020, which is our base year, we have emitted 47 291 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). This calculation includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions meaning that we measure carbon impact of books from the moment they are produced to the moment they enter the client’s warehouse. Reduce. Regarding climate issues, our goal was to go further, therefore we have taken steps to become a climate-neutral company in accordance with PAS 2060. PAS 2060 has been developed by the British Standards Institute and is currently the strictest and most comprehensive standard for climate neutrality. We have set ambitious climate targets in line with Science-Based Targets and developed an emission reduction plan. For example, one of the largest emission sources in the base year 2020 for our company was electricity purchase in Scope 2 (3 408 tCO2e). We have also taken several key actions to reduce our emissions, most notably in March 2021 when Livonia Print switched to 100% renewable electricity. Offset. While not all emissions can be avoided completely yet, in addition to reductions, we aim to balance the rest of our emissions, therefore carbon offsetting is one of the steps we take. We are investing in certified and third-party verified emission reduction projects in cooperation with South Pole – the world's leading developer of projects for voluntary carbon offsetting. Our current offsetting portfolio focuses on the transition of renewable energy in developing countries, where carbon reductions are easier and more cost-efficient to achieve than in Europe. The two projects we have invested in provide clean energy from hydropower in Vietnam and wind power in New Caledonia. In the coming GHG inventory for the year 2021, Livonia Print will also include all downstream emissions – transport emissions to the customer and end-of-life treatment emissions of sold products, thereby providing our customers the opportunity to buy premium products for which the GHG emissions (all 3 Scopes) will be calculated and compensated. In case of any questions or inquiries about this new opportunity, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Further details on 2021 GHG inventory and climate neutral products will follow within the next few months. |